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Posts for: October2019
The annual MOT for any vehicle older than three years helps to keep our roads (and you) safer. But it can be stressful, especially if you rely on your car for work or to get the kids to school. We explain what happens next if your car has failed its MOT and how MOT fail insurance could buy you peace of mind in the future.
My car failed its MOT. What next?
The first thing is: don’t panic. Take a look at your test certificate to see if your car failed with a ‘dangerous’ problem or a ‘major’ problem. This will determine if you can still drive the vehicle and impact on what you do next. Remember, you need to keep hold of your test certificate for the next steps.
If your car failed the MOT with a dangerous problem:
If your car failed with a dangerous problem you cannot drive it away. You’ll need to have the problem fixed at the test garage. Alternatively, you could decide to have the car towed to a different garage.
- Get a quote for the repair work to be carried out at the test garage.
- Get quotes from a couple of other garages too. You could find that the cost of having the work done elsewhere is lower, even with towing fees included.
You’ll need to carefully weigh up whether the cost of getting the car repaired is worth it, and if you can afford it. Another option is to scrap the car. But that will leave you without wheels unless you can afford to buy a new one.
My current MOT doesn’t run out for a few more days. Can I still drive my car?
No. If you are given an MOT test certificate fail for a dangerous problem, you cannot drive your vehicle. This is the case even if the previous MOT certificate still has some days left to run.
For example:
Your current MOT certificate runs out on 10 November. You have an MOT test on 30 October and get a ‘dangerous’ fail. You cannot continue to use the vehicle as it is until 10 November. The problem must be fixed and you must get a retest pass before you can drive your car again.
What happens if I drive a car that has failed with a dangerous problem?
It’s not worth driving a car that has failed an MOT with a dangerous problem.
As well as putting yourself and other road users in danger, you could be fined £2,500, get three penalty points, or be banned from driving.
Getting a retest free
If your car is retested at the same garage as the original test was carried out within 10 working days it will be free of charge.
Before you have the retest, make sure that all the problems listed on your VT30 fail certificate have been put right.
If your car failed the MOT with a major problem:
If your car failed with a major problem and your current MOT is still valid, you can drive it away. This gives you more options for getting the fault fixed at an alternative garage if you want to.
- Get a quote for the repair work to be carried out at the test garage.
- Get quotes from a couple of other garages too. Remember, as long as your current MOT is still valid you can drive your car to another garage for the work to be carried out.
Again, it’s up to you to decide if it’s worth repairing the car or if you should scrap it instead.
Do I have to get the repair work done straight away?
Yes. If your car failed the MOT with a major problem, you’ll need to get it repaired quickly. Even if your current MOT is still valid you can be prosecuted if you continue to drive the car and your car has faults that make it ‘unroadworthy.’ You’ll be breaking the law by knowingly driving with problems.
Things that make a car unroadworthy include problems with the:
- Lights.
- Tyres.
- Bodywork.
- Wheel fixings.
Get more information here.
Getting a retest free
If your car is retested at the same garage as the original test was carried out within 10 working days it will be free of charge. Before you have the retest, make sure that all the problems listed on your VT30 fail certificate have been put right.
Appealing your MOT failure
If you think that your car should have passed, speak to your test centre before having the repairs done. You can appeal against the failure if you think it was wrong. You’ll need to fill in this complaint form within 14 days of the test. You’ll have to pay for another MOT, but if it that test finds the original fail was incorrect, you should get a full or partial refund. Don’t forget, you can’t carry out any work on your car between the tests.
Taking the financial sting away
If your car, van, or motorbike fails its MOT it can be time-consuming to get back on the road again. Even worse, it could cost more than you can easily afford to pay. One way to avoid these unexpected bills is to take out MOT failure insurance. This is designed to cover the costs of the repair or replacement of certain parts if your vehicle fails its MOT. It also covers the costs of labour at VAT. It doesn’t cover everything. For example, it won’t cover worn-out brake pads as that is part of the normal wear and tear of a vehicle. But it will cover other problems, like problems with the fuel system and sensors. It means you won’t have to dig deep into your pockets to get back on the road – and that means real peace of mind.
Buy cheap MOT fail insurance
Our friendly team at Easy2Insure makes it Easy2 find the best price MOT failure insurance. All you need to do is give us a few details and we’ll do the rest. We’ll shop around on your behalf and negotiate hard to find you the cover at a low cost. Then, if your car fails its MOT you’ll know it’s nothing to worry about. To get started, simply call us on 0800 917 9522 or get in touch.
The nights are drawing in and there seems to be endless cold and wet weather on the horizon. For many riders, that means it’s time to hang up the leathers for a few months. But you can’t just leave your motorbike in the garage and expect it to be ready and waiting when the weather perks up. Instead, here are 11 essentials you need to do if you’re storing your motorbike for winter.
1) Give it a clean
Your first task is to give your motorbike a good clean before storing it for winter. You need to do this because mud and dirt can harbour moisture, and that can lead to rust. If you’ve continued riding your bike into the start of the winter you may also have encountered salted roads. Washing this off can also help to prevent corrosion.
2) Dry it properly
Even more important than washing your motorcycle is to make sure it is completely dry afterwards. Storing it damp is like inviting rust to come and party. As the wash may have removed grease from cables, make sure you re-grease them. Again, it’s vital that these parts are dry or you’ll trap the water under the grease.
3) Take charge
Cool temperatures can make batteries go flat surprisingly quickly. Then when you do want to start her up, you’ll find nothing happens. A trickle charger will help to keep your battery in tip-top condition and ready to get your engine roaring into action. You’ll need a power point near to where you store your bike to use a trickle charger. If you can’t do that, you might want to consider removing the battery and storing it somewhere warmer.
4) Regular starts
If you can, start up your motorbike regularly through the winter. In cold weather, condensation can build up in the exhaust and start the rot from the inside out. Starting her up will help to blast away condensation, keeping the exhaust dry.
5) Petrol tank decisions
There are two schools of thought when it comes to what to do with your petrol tank. Some say fill it up and others recommend draining it so it’s empty. Both are based on the same reason. Moisture in the tank can condense in cold weather and start to rust the tank. If it’s full, there is no space for the condensation. If it’s empty, there is no moisture to condense. What you choose to do is up to you, but don’t leave it half-full.
6) Block holes to stop vermin
Your motorbike makes an attractive home for mice and rats looking to shelter from the winter cold. Avoid the problem by blocking up the air intake holes and exhaust using an oily rag. This will stop mice from making a nest in your pride and joy and can also help to limit damp.
7) Write a note to remind you that you’ve blocked up the holes!
Your next job is to write a note to remind you that you have blocked the holes. You don’t want to start her up without removing the rags first.
8) Stop flat spots
Leaving your bike parked up over winter can quickly lead to flat spots on the tyres. These are caused by the weight of the bike pressing down in just one area. The best way to prevent this happening is to lift the tyres off the ground whilst it is being stored. You can buy lifting blocks made specifically for this purpose quite cheaply. Another option is to simply roll your bike forward every week to move the tyres around. You could also try placing an offcut of carpet under the wheels so the tyres are not in direct contact with a cold hard floor.
9) Tuck it up
If you’ve got a dry garage or shed, these will be the best place to store your motorbike for winter. You can cover your bike to protect it from spider droppings and dust. Some experts recommend avoiding covers made from cotton. That’s because cotton can absorb moisture, holding it against your bike paint and metalwork. Instead, look for a breathable, man-made fibre cover. You might also want to consider investing in an airflow chamber. This is like a big bubble that surrounds your motorbike. It maintains a constant airflow around your bike, ensuring humidity is kept at bay. You’ll need a mains point nearby to plug it in. An added bonus of using an airflow chamber is that the ‘bubble’ offers an extra layer of protection against bumps and knocks. That’s useful if you’re storing your bike in a garage that gets frequent use.
10) Don’t forget your insurance
Just because you’re not planning on going out on your bike for the winter, it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to cancel your motorbike insurance.
Your motorbike is still at risk of damage due to fire or theft. Cancelling your insurance could also cost more than you save with increased premiums when you come to renew. That’s because some insurance companies consider leaving a motorbike uninsured to be a risky action. As your premium is based on risk, it can mean higher prices.
11) Insurance again
Winter days when you can’t get out on the road are the perfect time to do that paperwork you’ve been putting off. For example, finding the best price for motorcycle insurance. Whether you need an agreed value for your classic motorbike or are looking for cheap cover for every day, we can help. Our specialist team at Easy2Insure will shop around on your behalf to find you the best price on quality cover you can rely on. Call our team for free on 0800 917 9522 or get a quote.
Don’t just leave your motorbike in the garage over winter. Instead, follow our 11 tips on storing your motorbike for winter and you’ll be ready to get back in the saddle in spring.
For more handy advice for motorbike owners, read our blog on How To Clean Motorbike Leathers.