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Mobile Phone Insurance – Do I Need it?
On average, we Brits spend over two and a half hours online on our smartphones every day. We use it to schedule our work or social calendar, tell us the time or keep in touch with family and friends. Indispensable for modern life, it’s bad enough when you run out of battery. So the thought of losing our phone, or it breaking, is enough to bring many of us out in a cold sweat.
A replacement phone or repair doesn’t always come cheaply. The latest iPhone costs well over £1,000. Or if you’re committed to a monthly payment plan the costs to get out of your contract when your phone is lost or damaged can be high. Mobile phone insurance gives you peace of mind that you’ll get reconnected quickly and are protected financially if the worst does happen, but do you really need it? To help you to decide, we’ve put together this guide answering common questions about mobile phone insurance.
First, do I need mobile phone insurance?
For some people, mobile phone insurance is probably not worth it. If you have a low-cost handset, you are on a pay-as-you-go tariff, and have never lost or damaged your phone it’s unlikely that the annual cost of insurance will be worth it.
On the other hand, you should consider mobile phone insurance if:
- You rely on your phone for work or your social life and would want speedy replacement if it is lost or damaged.
- You’re locked into a contract and don’t want to have to continue paying the monthly tariff if you lose or damage the phone.
- Your phone is expensive and you could not easily afford to replace it if it is lost or damaged.
- You know you tend to lose or damage things like your keys or your phone.
Three signs you can’t live without your phone
- If you’re reading this on your phone, there’s sign number one!
- The first thing you do in the morning is to check your phone to see what you’ve missed whilst you’re asleep.
- The thought of a flat battery fills you with anxious dread.
Next, you’ve decided you need mobile phone insurance, but do you already have cover?
There’s no point paying twice for the same insurance. Some bank accounts include mobile phone insurance as part of their package. It’s worth double-checking just in case. If it is included, make sure you take a look at what is covered to ensure it meets your specific needs. Gadgets like your phone may also be covered by your home insurance. Again, it’s worth checking your policy document to see what cover is included and if there are any exclusions.
For example, in some cases your phone may only be covered by the policy for theft from your home or if it is damaged in a fire. If you have personal items covered away from home, this would include your mobile phone. But you should check if there is a single item limit or combined limit to make sure the amount would cover your phone. It’s also worth considering if the excess you will have to pay when you make a claim will leave you with only a few pence left in your pocket. Because claiming on your home insurance may increase your future premiums, many people prefer to keep it separate.
What does mobile phone insurance cover?
Different gadget insurance policies will offer different levels of protection. Insurance can cover you for:
- Loss.
- Damage.
- Theft.
- Break downs.
- The costs of unauthorised calls made after your phone has been stolen.
- Replacing data like music and games.
- Protection overseas as well as in the UK.
- Accessories.
If getting reconnected as quickly as possible is important to you, opt for a policy that provides a rapid replacement service. Carefully check your documents, or chat to your insurance broker. That way you can make sure you are buying the level of cover you want and need.
What is not covered by phone insurance?
To avoid getting a nasty shock when you make a claim, check the small print before you buy. You can also speak to your insurance broker for advice. Then you will be clear from the start what exclusions there are on your policy. For example, some insurers won’t pay out if they consider that you have been careless when losing your phone. That could mean you won’t be covered if you leave it behind on a bus or at a restaurant.
Some policies won’t cover you for the cost of unauthorized calls made on your phone if it is stolen. And water damage is also excluded from some policies. That could be a problem if you’re one of the millions who have watched a phone accidentally slip down the loo! Always check with your insurer before taking out a policy to make sure that you have the level of protection you need.
Will I get a brand new replacement phone?
Some insurers may insist on repairing your phone, which means it could take longer for you to be reconnected. If that’s a problem for you, make sure you take out a policy that will give you a brand new replacement.
Shop around for the best deal
When you buy a new phone or take out a new contract it’s likely that insurance will also be offered to you. Check what you’re being sold meets your needs, such as including a rapid replacement service if that’s important to you.
The cheapest deal might not be the best value deal, so always shop around to compare quotes or call our friendly Easy2insure team on 0800 917 9522 or get in touch. We’ll explain your options to find you the right cover for your phone at the best possible price.
Mobile phone insurance won’t be worth it for everyone. You might even already have cover from your bank or home insurance. If you don’t, and you rely on your phone, it can buy you peace of mind. With it, you won’t face any unexpected bills and can stay connected.
This article was originally published in February 2017. It has since been completely updated to provide you with the best and most accurate information.