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Becoming a self-employed van courier is as easy as, well, buying a van! Thanks to the huge increase in home shopping and with people ordering everything from food to furniture online, van couriers have never been busier. Most couriers either work as sub-contractors for a larger organisation, or are independent operators who have built up their own client base.
The courier industry is incredibly competitive, and a reputation can be made or lost on a single consignment. If all goes well, you can be sure of return business from the customer again and again. But if things go wrong, you could be left seriously out of pocket. That’s why if you’re a van courier you need insurance that will protect you if a customer makes a claim against you.
So what kind of insurance do you need if you’re a self-employed van courier? Here’s our quick guide that will help you put together an affordable insurance package to cover (almost) every eventuality:
Specialist vehicle insurance
Ordinary van insurance will not cover you for commercial use, especially if you’re using your vehicle as part of a courier business. If you check on the average policy they often specify that you are not covered if you use your van for deliveries. As you have to have motor insurance to be legal on the road, you’re going to need to find specialist van insurance that does cover you for commercial use.
Expect to pay a higher premium, though, so it’s well worth shopping around or talking to a broker who specialises in this kind of insurance package.
Goods in transit insurance
As soon as a package, parcel or letter is handed to you, it is your responsibility until it is received and signed for at the other end. After the recipient has the package in their hand, it is no longer your responsibility. However, during the time when it is in your possession, you are fully responsible for its safety, and that means you’re also financially responsible for any losses due to theft or damage.
Effectively, the consignment is the property of someone else, so if it is damaged in transit, lost or stolen, they can claim compensation for the value of the package against you. Goods in transit insurance is, therefore, one of the most important insurance documents you can have as a self-employed courier.
It usually comes with upper and lower limits on the level of cover per consignment, so if you’re regularly transporting high-value packages (for example, if you have a contract with an art gallery and move paintings or works of art around on their behalf), you’ll need to increase your level of cover accordingly. What you don’t want is to be underinsured, as any claim against you for loss or damage of goods in transit will impact your finances heavily.
Public liability insurance
This may seem like a ‘belt and braces’ addition to the Goods in Transit insurance discussed above, but PLI gives you some extra coverage to protect you against compensation claims if a third party is injured or their property is damaged by you while you’re working. So for example, if you dropped a heavy package on the recipient’s foot, they could make a claim against you for personal injury compensation!
Public Liability cover means that you’re financially protected against the legal costs of a compensation claim for personal injury or damage to property. The insurance company would also defend the claim for you, so you could get on with your business rather than spending time dealing with legal paperwork.
Interruption of earnings insurance
Being a van courier has its perks. You’re your own boss, you can work whenever you want to, and you’re not tied to an office desk all day long. However, the reality is that you’re going to be working long, hard hours to earn a decent living. If you’re unable to work for any reason, you’ll quickly realise just how much of an impact it has on your finances.
Bear in mind that if you’re self-employed, you don’t have the usual entitlements that employed drivers have, such as holiday pay and statutory sick pay. If you fall ill or are injured and can’t work, your cashflow effectively dries up overnight. And if you’re the major earner in a household, that can affect everyone.
Interruption of earnings insurance means that you’ll have some money coming in while you recover, so you can be sure that bills such as rent and mortgage repayments, or other essentials are covered without you having to dip into an overdraft or max out your credit cards.
High risks goods cover
If you are regularly transporting hazardous goods then you must tell your insurance company beforehand. Failure to do so could invalidate your cover, leaving you severely out of pocket. Don’t forget that some insurers won’t cover very high-risk consignments such as chemicals or goods that require a special licence or certification.
European cover
If your bookings take you overseas, you’ll need to make sure that the insurance you have covers you for operating outside the UK. It’s also wise to make sure you’ve got full breakdown cover, preferably with a courtesy vehicle as part of your package deal. The last thing you want is to be left stranded with a broken-down van and unable to fulfil your clients’ requirements!
Planning a career change to become a self-employed courier? Talk to the professionals
If you’re not sure what kind of cover you need, the best thing to do is to talk to a professional broker who has experience in providing specialist cover for van couriers. They will be able to tell you exactly what you need, and find the best deal so that you’re not paying too much for your insurance package.
At Easy2Insure, we know how difficult it can be to find the right courier van insurance, especially when you simply don’t have the time to sit down and hunt for deals online. Instead, the simple option is to talk to us. Our experienced brokers know exactly what you’re looking for, and are able to put together courier van insurance packages that don’t cost the earth. It’s quick, simple, and easy to make sure you have all the right cover you need, so you can focus on building your business. Call us or use our online contact form to find out more.
We love our phones. In fact, we love them so much that we’re glued to them almost 24/7. They’re on our bedside tables when we wake up, and they’re a constant companion no matter where we go. Our love affair with top tech seems to know no bounds, which is why we invest so much time, and money, into them.
And we’re talking a lot of money here! Top of the range Apple or Samsung Galaxy phones can easily cost you anything from £700-£1000 – that’s a huge financial investment on a single piece of equipment. That’s why mobile phone insurance is such a smart idea.
Most people take the quick option and buy mobile or smartphone insurance from their phone supplier or network provider (if the phone is part of the package). However, that isn’t always the best option. Buying your insurance from your phone provider can mean that you’re paying far more than you need to, and not getting the cover you might actually think you’re paying for.
As with all mobile phone contracts, insurance provided by networks often have provisos tucked away in the small print. That means they won’t pay out if your phone is stolen, lost or damaged, even if the headline print says they will. So before you sign on the dotted line ‘because it’s easier’, take a few minutes to hop online and hunt around for mobile phone insurance that will give you the cover you want.
Why buy mobile phone insurance?
If you buy a new bicycle that costs a thousand pounds, or a top of the range laptop, you want to protect that investment with some insurance. It’s logical, then, that you’d do the same for a mobile phone. In fact, it’s more important to have insurance because your phone doesn’t spend half its time locked away in your home or garage. It’s in your pocket or bag wherever you go, and so it’s at much greater risk of being lost, damaged or stolen.
Having mobile phone insurance gives you the peace of mind that if your expensive iPhone does fall out of your pocket while you’re out and about, or is stolen from your bag, you’ll have the right kind of insurance to cover the cost of replacing it.
Why not just insure it under your household cover?
Modern house and content insurance policies also include a certain level of cover for personal belongings that you carry on you or have in the car. This can include things like mobile phones, but what you do need to consider is that many of these types of policies will not cover a single item if it’s above a certain value. That excludes many top-end mobile phones which cost much more than the single-item upper limit of the policy.
It can also be difficult to make a claim, especially if the insurance company thinks you may have been partly responsible for the loss or damage through negligence (for example, putting your phone on the table in a restaurant and forgetting to pick it up before you leave). Proving otherwise can be extremely difficult.
Why not just take up the phone network’s insurance offer?
It can be all too easy to simply tick the insurance box on your mobile phone contract when you sign up, without thinking about what exactly you’re buying. You may also find that, because they feel they have a ‘captive audience’ mobile phone networks can charge higher premiums than other insurance providers for mobile phone cover. It’s easy to miss exactly how much you’re paying, too, as the amount is often toggled onto your monthly tariff. Such a small additional fee is easy to overlook, but what you need to do is work out exactly how much you’re paying over the course of a year, and just what kind of cover your policy gives you. It may be much less than you originally thought…
Are you really getting a like-for-like replacement?
You may benefit from a next-day replacement if your phone is lost or stolen, but remember that you may be limited to the models your provider has, and it may not be a like-for-like replacement. So all those high-end accessories may not even be compatible with the replacement phone they give you!
There may also be big caveats as to what type of phone is covered. So you’ll only be covered for the phone that your network gave you as part of the contract. If you decide to upgrade with a SIM-free phone then your insurance policy won’t cover that phone.
Why buy extra mobile phone insurance?
Mobile phone insurance doesn’t just cover the loss or damage of the phone itself. One of the big problems people have, especially if their phone is stolen, is the costs of unauthorised calls. The network will charge the bill-payer or contract holder for any calls put through the phone, including those that a thief may make. Dedicated phone insurance includes cover for the cost of unauthorised calls and digital downloads, fou even more peace of mind.
I’ve got cover on my household contents insurance…
While mobile phone cover can be specified as part of your home contents insurance, there are, once again, caveats that could cause a problem if you make a claim. Not only do household insurance policies often leave out accidental damage as part of your phone cover, but if you do make a claim then it may push the cost of your house content insurance policy up next year.
What do the experts recommend?
At Easy2Insure, we know how difficult it can be to get the right kind of cover for such an important personal item. So we’ve done the research for you to find independent mobile phone insurance that’s both affordable and comprehensive.
Because our brokers have experience of finding specialist cover for mobile phones, they can source the best deals and the best prices for wide-ranging insurance cover that is separate from your home contents cover or any insurance that your network provider may offer. It can be tailored to suit your needs, making it a viable and often much cheaper way of protecting your phone.
We always advise being cautious when you’re out and about, as it’s all too easy to lose such a small item as a phone. But if the worst does happen and your phone is lost, stolen, or damaged, mobile phone insurance certainly helps to soften the blow!
With prices hitting nearly £900, iPhones are an expensive investment. They’re also all too easy to drop or leave behind on the train and are a target for thieves. Insurance gives you peace of mind that your precious piece of tech can be fixed or replaced with no unexpected bills. But do you need iPhone insurance? Read on to find out.
First, do I need iPhone insurance?
Insurance is all about managing risk. You pay a relatively small sum of money for the peace of mind that if something does happen, you won’t have a big bill to pay. Of course, you may enjoy many years with your iPhone without the need to make a claim.
To decide if you need iPhone insurance, you’ll need to weigh up the following:
- Are you the sort of person who easily loses things?
- Would it be tricky to afford to replace your iPhone if it got damaged or stolen?
- Does the thought of not having a phone for a week or longer make you break out in a cold sweat?
If you’ve answered yes to any of the questions above, iPhone insurance is definitely worth considering.
What does iPhone insurance cover?
Different insurance policies include different features, so it’s important to always read the small print to see what you are buying.
Here’s our top five list of handy features to look out for when you buy iPhone insurance:
- Are downloads included? Some insurance policies will cover the cost of replacing downloads (like music) lost when your phone is damaged or stolen. If that’s important to you, make sure it’s included.
- Will you get a temporary replacement handset? If your phone is damaged, your insurance company is likely to send it for repair, which can take weeks. If you can’t bear the thought of being without your phone, make sure your insurance offers a temporary replacement handset whilst yours is being repaired. Some policies can even offer a rapid replacement guarantee, sending a new phone within as little as four hours. If that’s something you want, make sure it’s included.
- Unauthorised calls. Some mobile phone insurance policies will cover the cost of expensive calls made without your authorisation if your phone is stolen. Premium line calls can quickly mount up, so adding this cover buys extra peace of mind.
- Most Brits admit to using their phone on the toilet according to YouGov. But not every phone insurance policy will cover you if it suffers water damage, as a result of being dropped down the loo for example. For total peace of mind, check your phone insurance does include cover for water damage or other ‘careless’ situations, such as leaving it on the train.
- Cover overseas. If you like to Instagram your holiday pictures, you’ll be reassured with an insurance policy that includes overseas travel.
Remember: If you don’t need all these different types of cover, make sure you don’t pay for it. Look for a tailored policy so you only pay for what you want.
Next, is it covered already?
You may have decided that iPhone insurance is worth it for you. But don’t rush out and buy a new policy just yet – first, take the time to discover if your phone is covered already. Check your home insurance policy carefully to see if your phone is included or have a chat with your broker if you’re not sure. Some bank accounts also include mobile phone insurance, so speak to your bank. If you are already covered, make sure you check what is and isn’t included. For example, will it replace your iPhone with a new handset or a refurbished one? And does it offer a temporary phone to keep you connected whilst yours is being fixed?
It’s also worth double-checking the terms of the cover. With some home insurance policies, your phone will be covered whilst it is in the home but not when you’re out and about.
Do I have to buy the insurance I’m offered when I buy the phone?
No. When you buy a new iPhone you’re likely to be offered insurance, but you don’t have to take this. Instead, you are free to shop around to find the best deal.
Things to consider when you buy iPhone insurance
To make sure the iPhone insurance you buy is worth the cash, think about these things:
- Is your iPhone under warranty? Remember the warranty covers your phone for mechanical failure, but won’t cover you if the phone is lost, stolen or damaged accidentally.
- How much is the excess? This is the amount of money you have to pay if you make a claim. Generally the higher the excess, the lower the cost of the premium (the amount you pay for the insurance). Tweaking the excess is a great way to save money, but make sure it is still affordable to you. If you set the excess too high you might not be able to afford to make a claim.
- Are any other gadgets included in the policy? Chances are you also have a laptop or iPad that you would like to insure. Buying a bundle deal that covers all your tech away from the home can be cheaper than separate policies. Speak to your insurance broker to find out more.
Buying value for money iPhone insurance
Always compare prices from as many different insurance companies as you can to be sure you’re getting the best price. A price comparison website can be a good place to start, but remember not every insurance company is represented on these sites. It’s also important to check that the cover you specify when getting a quote matches the cover offered to you. Just because you tick a box for new for old cover, there’s no guarantee that the quotes you are given by the comparison website will include this.
Alternatively, you can use an independent insurance broker like Easy2Insure. We’ll do the legwork for you to find the best price on iPhone insurance with no nasty surprises in the small print. Simply call our friendly team on 0800 917 9522 today.
The thought of saving the planet and saving cash make it tempting to switch to an electric motorcycle. But they’re not the only motives to go electric. From instant torque to practical considerations like straightforward motorbike insurance, here are 11 reasons an electric motorbike should be on your wish-list this year.
1) An electric motorcycle is an eco-friendly travel option
We all know we need to do our bit to stop climate change. Switching to electric is healthier for our planet because electric means zero choking emissions belching out onto our streets. Electric is also a renewable energy source, so it does less harm than non-renewable energy sources such as oil and gas. Some people argue that making electricity in the first place is damaging to the environment. But it doesn’t have to be. To ensure your electric bike runs on the cleanest energy, make sure your home electric supply comes from renewable sources (like wind and solar power).
2) You can save money by using the cheapest fuel out there
Charging up your electric motorbike costs considerably less than filling up with a tank of petrol. The exact costs will depend on the type of motorcycle and where you charge it. As a general guide, Autotrader estimates you can expect to fully charge a bike for around £1-2 for an 80-100 mile range. Compare that to around £15 for the equivalent tank of petrol.
3) Save even more money with no need for road tax
Zero emissions mean no road tax is payable on your electric motorcycle. That can save you up to £88 a year.
4) It’s easy to insure
Just as electric vehicles are becoming mainstream, it’s the same with electric motorbikes. More and more insurers are willing to cover electric motorbikes, and that means premiums are becoming more competitive. Save time ringing around and get the best price on the quality cover by using an independent insurance broker like Easy2Insure for your electric motorbike insurance.
5) There’s less maintenance to worry about
Some people may be concerned that an electric motorcycle will be more costly to maintain, but this is not the case. In fact, it can save you money and time in regular maintenance, as there’s no need to change the oil.
6) Meets your need for speed
Speed is a key consideration for many motorcycle riders. And an electric motorcycle won’t disappoint. With an electric engine, there’s instant torque for rapid acceleration. The fastest production motorbike currently available is the Lightning LS-218, which thrills with a top speed of 216mph. But even more modest electric motorcycles can impress with their speed and acceleration.
7) They come in all styles to suit every taste
From classic all-American cruisers to neat city-scooters, there’s an electric motorbike out there to suit every taste.
8) The latest models offer an impressive range
When the first electric motorcycles came out, the range was so limited they would only be practical for short-journeys. Now, electric motorbikes offer excellent ranges of up to 300+miles – that’s more than enough for most riders.
The electric charging point infrastructure is also getting better every day. That means that you’ll be able to find somewhere to charge up your bike easily unless you’re in a very rural location. Even then, there’s always the option of charging up using a standard three-point plug.
9) Quick charging for your convenience
The number of charging points around the UK continues to increase and the time it takes is getting lower. You can now charge your electric motorbike 80% in around half an hour.
10) Beautifully quiet for considerate motoring
You can earn brownie points from your neighbours when you switch to electric. As the engine doesn’t roar into life, even early starts for you can mean a lie-in for the rest of the street. The almost non-existent noise also makes your journey more comfortable if you like to listen to music or want to talk to a pillion passenger.
11) The government will help you buy one
Electric motorbikes normally cost more to buy initially than their petrol counterpart. But to make this easier on your wallet, you can take advantage of the government’s plug-in grant. With this, you can save 20% off the purchase price (up to a maximum saving of £1,500).
The discount is applied at the point of sale and there are various criteria you’ll need to meet. For example, to qualify your electric motorbike will need to have zero CO2 emissions and be able to travel at least 31 miles between charges.
Whether you’re looking for a superbike or a moped, there are lots of great reasons to switch to electric. If you’re inspired, get in touch with our team at Easy2Insure to get a free quote for your electric motorbike insurance or call 0800 917 9522.