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This winter is proving one of the most challenging for drivers in recent years. Britain has been battered by storms, blizzards, and freezing temperatures, which have sometimes made getting from A to B a challenge. In some places, drivers have been warned not to travel. And some who have ventured out have been left stranded in their cars and trucks. If staying at home is not an option for you, be prepared with our guide to driver safety in cold weather:
Do you know what to do if your vehicle starts sliding on ice towards another vehicle or solid object?
Snow and ice can make for difficult driving conditions. If you start to slide, you’ll have little control of your vehicle and that can result in accidents.
Here are our top tips on what to do if you start to skid:
- Try to stay calm
- Don’t hit the brakes
- Take your foot off the accelerator so you start to gently slow down
- Try to keep the steering wheel straight
- If the back end of the vehicle starts to swing out, gently turn the steering wheel in the same way as you’re sliding. This only needs to be a slight adjustment, not a sharp turn. If you turn your wheel in the opposite direction to the side that your car rear is spinning you risk skidding
Prevention is better than cure
Whilst the tips above might help you to cope if you start to skid, it’s always better to try to avoid getting into that position in the first place. When driving in wintery conditions:
- Slow down
- Keep a safe distance between you and the car in front
- Check your tyres have plenty of tread to give you better grip on the road
What is black ice? And how can you spot it?
Black ice is just like any kind of ice. It forms on roads when surface water freezes. It’s called black ice because you often can’t see it and it just blends in with the ‘black’ colour of the road. And that can make it very dangerous if you unexpectedly hit it when you’re driving.
And it’s not just snow and ice that can cause problems on the roads in winter…
Winter storms can bring flash flooding to roads. Coupled with the early, dark nights, driving home from work in wet weather can be fraught with danger.
If there’s been heavy rain, always remember that you could face flooding on the roads. A blocked drain can swiftly turn a normally clear road into a paddling pool. Even on roads that you’re very familiar with, drivers can be taken unaware by just how deep surface water on the road is.
Also, bear in mind that the air intakes in many vehicles, including some BMWs, can be set under the engine bay, and quite low to the road. This means that negotiating even quite shallow water could destroy your engine and leave you with a complete write-off.
Make sure your insurance covers you
No matter how much caution you take when driving in the winter, accidents can and do happen.
With car insurance seeming to cost more each time you renew, it can sometimes be tempting to cut back on cover to save a few pennies. But if something does go wrong, it could end up costing you a lot more in the long run.
Instead, if you want to save money but still be sure of a robust policy that will give you peace of mind, use an independent insurance broker like Easy2Insure to shop around and find you a better deal.
Car insurance extras to consider for added peace of mind in winter weather
- You might also want to consider taking out a separate cosmetic insurance policy. This lets you fix the smaller, cosmetic-only prangs to your car’s bodywork without impacting on your future no-claims bonus for your car insurance.
- Avoid being stuck on the side of the road for hours on a cold winter’s night with breakdown cover. This add-on to your insurance can be a cost-effective way to buy the peace of mind that a trained mechanic can come to either fix your car and get you back on your way again or they can tow you and your car to safety.
Get cheap car insurance
Do you know where to start looking for the best price on car insurance? Let our expert team at Easy2Insure shop around on your behalf. For a no-hassle, free quote, call us on 0800 9179522 or get a quote.
There are nearly 26 million cars on UK roads getting us to work, school, or away for a happy holiday. Most of our journeys have a purpose, and we want to get there and back as quickly and easily as possible. Whilst you never know when your car or motorbike is going to break down, you can be sure that it will be inconvenient and stressful. Breakdown Insurance can help ease the financial stress and reassure you that you’ll be quickly on your way again.
Things to think about before you get a breakdown insurance quote
Do I need breakdown cover?
You don’t have to take out roadside rescue cover, but having it can certainly give you extra peace of mind. If you often drive at night, in more remote areas or with a young family, it could be considered especially useful.
Do you already have roadside recovery cover?
Before you get a breakdown insurance quote, it’s worth checking if you’re already covered. It is automatically included with some car insurance policies. But it’s worth checking that the cover that is included is suitable for your needs. If your car is less than three years old, it may also come with breakdown insurance as part of the warranty.
Don’t assume you have breakdown cover through your bank
If you think you have breakdown cover through your bank, it is worth double-checking. Sometimes bank card privileges can change. You also need to check that the level of breakdown cover that is offered through your bank is suitable for your needs. For example, check if there are any restrictions on distances from home. And make sure you’re guaranteed to be driven onwards to your chosen destination if you need this.
Do I need specialist breakdown cover?
Do you tow a caravan or horsebox? If so, you’ll need specialist breakdown cover designed to help you continue your journey. Specialist horsebox cover ensures you’ll be rescued by a company that can help deal with your horses as well as the mechanics. And caravan breakdown cover is designed to transport both your car and your caravan to where you need to go.
It’s not just old cars that break down
Breakdown insurance may be a very sensible idea if your car is older and less reliable. But newer cars can also go wrong. Sophisticated electrics and a lack of a spare tyre in the boot are just two of the things that commonly see drivers of newer cars needing roadside rescue.
How to get cheaper breakdown insurance
Let your broker know if you cover a limited number of miles
Just like with your car insurance, you could save money on your breakdown cover if you only cover a limited number of miles each year. Let your broker know, so they can factor this in when looking for quotes.
Consider the excess
Some breakdown insurance companies charge an excess for any call-out. This can help bring down the cost of cover but could cost you more if you do make a claim.
Check if the number of call-outs is limited
Some cheaper breakdown options may limit the number of call-outs you can make in 12 months. It can be a cost-effective option if you’re confident that your car is reliable and you’re unlikely to need roadside assistance. But if your car is older, or unreliable, it may not be the most prudent option for you.
Other ways to save money
One way to save money on your breakdown cover may be to buy it at the same time as your car insurance. Or if you own several cars, a multi-car policy could save you cash.
Shop around for the best value deal
Like all insurance, it pays to shop around when getting a breakdown insurance quote. If that sounds like too much hassle, use an impartial insurance broker like Easy2Insure. Simply fill in our form or call us on 0800 9179522 and we’ll scour quotes from a wide range of insurance companies to find the one best suited to your individual needs.
We’re independent insurance brokers, so we’re free to look around to find the best deal available to you. And our experience and knowledge mean you can be sure we’ll find the right cover at the right price.